Alessandra is an Associate Professor at the Institute for Frontier Materials at Deakin University in Australia. Alessandra completed her Bachelor and PhD studies in materials science at the Universita’ degli Studi di Parma in Italy. Since relocating to Australia in 2006, Alessandra’s academic career has focused on bringing together several fields of science, to support the development of novel materials and associated manufacturing processes, spanning applications such as performance textiles and biomedical devices. Her overall mission is to bring greater ‘circularity’ into the world of materials manufacturing. Alessandra leads a multidisciplinary team of young researchers with diverse scientific, professional and cultural backgrounds. Her research team has greatly contributed to the Australian Research Council Hub for Future Fibers – a multi-million dollar grant with Industry to pursue industrially-relevant research in fiber and textile technologies.
我们创造了一些迄今为止最有效、最持久和最高性能的技术。 我们为合作伙伴研究新的解决方案,从我们在世界各地的工厂提供规模化的生产,并帮助合作伙伴将新产品推向市场–目标是在几个月内实现从实验室到消费者。
- 成立于2005年
- 从苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH)剥离出来
- 在5大洲有超过来自29个国家200位专业人员
- 35%的女性领导
- 50多名研发人员
- 由30多个大学合作伙伴组成的学术研究网络
- 7个生产基地,45000吨的产能
- 是全球300多个品牌值得信赖的创新合作伙伴
- 多次获奖(瑞士可持续发展和瑞士科技奖)
- 我们的创新在ESG和可持续发展的下游效应方面享有盛誉

Carlo Centonze

Murray Height博士
HeiQ 于 2020 年在伦敦证券交易所主板市场上市

Carlo Centonze
Carlo 在苏黎世联邦理工学院攻读了环境科学和森林工程(理学硕士)。 他在圣加仑大学(HSG)获得了高级管理人员工商管理硕士学位。 陆军飞行员退役之后,他作为 ETH 衍生公司 myclimate 的联合创始人开始了自己的职业生涯,该公司是一家非营利组织,也是碳补偿措施的主要提供商。 自 2004 年以来,Carlo 一直担任 HeiQ 的联合创始人兼首席执行官,将公司从一个只有两名员工的公司发展成为一个拥有 140 多名员工的公司。 他还担任拥有 108 年历史的瑞士化学和能源分销商 ECSA 集团的主席,该集团 2020 年的综合营业额将超过 3 亿美元,他还是瑞士制药、生物技术和化学工业协会 Science Industries 的执行董事会成员。

Murray Height博士
HeiQ Pty 联合创始人、集团首席创新官兼首席执行官。 Ltd. (AUS)(澳大利亚)
Murray在澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学完成了化学工程本科学业。 他曾获得富布赖特奖学金,前往麻省理工学院(MIT)攻读研究生课程,并获得博士学位。 后来,他接受了瑞士联邦理工学院(ETH Zurich)的博士后研究职位。 自 2005 年以来,Murray 一直担任 HeiQ 的首席技术官,将产品阵容从一种发展到 100 多种。

Xaver Hangartner
Xaver 于 2005 年获得圣加仑大学(HSG)工商管理学士学位后,开始了他的财务职业生涯。 职业生涯之初,他曾在瑞士安永会计师事务所担任工业客户审计师,并于 2009 年获得瑞士注册会计师资格。 之后,他曾担任多个财务职位,并领导一家韩国上市特种化学品生产商的全球财务和会计团队,2018 年加入 HeiQ 担任财务负责人。 他于 2019 年 10 月被任命为集团首席财务官。

Hoi Kwan 在消费品品牌建设、市场研究、广告和配料品牌建设方面拥有十几年的市场营销经验。 在香港城市大学攻读市场营销专业期间,Hoi Kwan 已开始为世界自然基金会(WWF)以及利洁时和大冢制药等国际快速消费品公司开展市场营销咨询项目。 随后,她开始为宝洁公司的品牌工作,从事品牌、广告和消费者研究。 Hoi Kwan在圣加仑大学获得市场营销硕士学位后,于2016年加入HeiQ,担任集团品牌经理,并于2019年被任命为集团首席市场营销官。

Robin Temmerman
生命科学业务部执行副总裁,HeiQ Chrisal 首席执行官(英国)
Robin担任比利时 HeiQ Chrisal 公司的首席执行官(CEO)和首席技术官(CTO)。
Robin曾在根特大学攻读生物技术(理学硕士),并在同一所大学攻读微生物学博士学位,专攻益生菌。 博士毕业后,Robin在根特大学微生物生态与技术实验室工作,从事水处理和使用益生菌控制冷却水中军团菌的研究。 与此同时,他还在 Vlerick 商学院学习了几门课程。
2006 年,Robin来到比利时公司 Chrisal,开始益生菌清洁项目,担任研发经理。 2009年, Robin 被任命为公司首席执行官. 除了目前在 HeiQ Chrisal 的职位外,Robin还是比利时商会的南非国际大使。

Mike Abbott
HeiQ ChemTex(美国)纺织品与地板业务部执行副总裁、首席执行官
Mike 拥有西弗吉尼亚大学理工学院机械工程与工业管理学位。 他曾在 Hanesbrands 公司担任全球创新主管。 Mike 是一位具有很强领导力的专业人士,曾在服装和家居行业担任过客户方和供应商方的工作,精通运营管理、面料成型、面料加工、产品开发、从概念到商业化的产品管理和开发、营销、谈判/战略合作伙伴关系以及领导团队。 关注消费者和品牌需求是他的领导理念。
Mike 加入 HeiQ,担任 HeiQ ChemTex 的首席执行官。

涂料与塑料业务部执行副总裁,HeiQ Life (TH) 首席执行官
Tom拥有宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院金融学位。 他的职业生涯始于纽约的投资银行,后来转入材料技术领域,并成功创办和出售了两家抗菌技术专业公司。

Dr. Oliver Zech
创新服务执行副总裁、HeiQ RAS(德国)董事长兼首席执行官
Oliver曾在德国雷根斯堡大学和法国凡尔赛大学学习化学。 他于 2010 年获得化学博士学位。 后来,他接受了德国波茨坦马克斯-普朗克胶体与界面研究所的博士后研究职位,并获得了马克斯-普朗克学会的奖学金。 Oliver于 2018 年获得综合管理工商管理硕士学位。 他于 2011 年开始在 RAS 工作,曾活跃在公司的不同管理岗位上。 自 2019 年起,他担任 HeiQ RAS 股份公司执行董事会成员,自 2021 年起担任首席执行官。

Robert Liu
HeiQ 中国总经理
罗伯特拥有工商管理硕士学位和理学学士学位,在国际纺织品和造纸化学品行业拥有超过 25 年的工作经验。 他不仅参与了泰国、瑞士和新加坡的地区和全球工作,还担任了阿克罗玛化学品(中国)的负责人和法律代表。 2023 年 9 月,罗伯特被任命为 HeiQ 中国区总经理。

Raquel vaz Vieira
伊比利亚 HeiQ 首席执行官 (葡萄牙)
Raquel是 HeiQ 伊比利亚公司的首席执行官,负责管理伊比利亚地区的品牌关系和技术支持,共同开发家用纺织品市场,并通过 HeiQ 伊比利亚公司的新创新中心领导 HeiQ 恒温产品的创新。 她的经验包括管理 Devan Chemicals 的相变材料 (PCM) 和恒温微胶囊业务部门,在将增值初创技术推向全球市场方面成绩斐然。 她拥有米尼奥大学化学学士学位和功能性纺织品硕士学位,以及维里克商学院行政创新硕士学位。

Pedro Herranz
首席执行官 HeiQ Medica (西班牙)
Pedro 拥有 20 多年的全球业务管理经验,曾在分销、零售、金融科技和 IT 行业担任销售、运营、技术和营销领导职务。 在这 10 年中,他一直是一名企业家,并合作成功创办了多家科技创业公司。 Pedro 曾在大洋洲、东南亚和欧洲工作过。 他是 MasFaBes 的创始人之一,去年,MasFaBes 成为了HeiQ 集团的一部分,也就是现在的 HeiQ Medica。 Pedro 领导集团在 HeiQ Medica 的医疗器械生产基地,并担任医疗器械产品经理。

Ming Liang
HeiQ 台湾首席执行官
Ming 在纺织品和服装生产供应链方面拥有近 20 年的经验,主要负责销售、材料创新和开发、采购和生产。 她持有台湾国立台北商业大学国际贸易学士学位,能说中文、英语和西班牙语,曾在台湾和阿根廷生活。 Ming 目前在中国台湾桃园市的 HeiQ台湾工作。

Kate Maiava
HX 台湾首席执行官
凯特曾在新西兰奥克兰学习时装和纺织品专业。 毕业后,她曾就职于国际设计师纺织品公司(Designer Textiles International)、澳大利亚 Lempriere 公司旗下的 TMC 公司、Youngone 公司、All Saints 公司、Under Armour 公司和 Old Navy/Gap 公司,积累了丰富的纺织品和服装技术与专业经验。
为了追寻自己的梦想,凯特辗转世界各地,先后在新西兰、越南、韩国、英国和美国生活过。 她走访了全球许多面料工厂,致力于各种高性能纺织品和时尚服装的创新。 她于 2020 年加入 HeiQ,现任 HX 台湾首席执行官。

Prof. Dr. Uwe Pieles
Innovation Head Coach and Chairman of the Innovation Advisory Board
Uwe is a Chemist by training made his PhD at the Max Planck Institute for experimental medicine in Göttingen, followed by a Post Doc at the EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory). After 10 years in the pharmaceutical industry (Ciba Geigy/Novartis/ Altana) in the field of nucleic acids and antisense therapies he joined the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwest Switzerland School of Life Sciences” in 2000, to build up research in material sciences and (bio)nanotechnology with the focus on applied research. His major interests are in nanomaterials, surface chemistry, surface characterization and biointerfaces in particular. In September 2020 he joined HeiQ materials in the function as chairman of the Innovation Advisory board and innovation headcoach.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Widmer
Board member
Andreas is board certified physician in internal medicine, infectious diseases, and, since July 2021, in hospital epidemiology. His training included several hospitals in Switzerland, with specialty training at the university of Basel hospitals in infectious disease. In Iowa, USA, he completed training in hospital epidemiology and a Master’s degree in epidemiology. Until 2021, Andreas served as deputy head of division of infectious disease & hospital epidemiology at the university of Basel. Andreas co-founded the national center for infection prevention and continues to serve as its president. Since 2003, he is a regular expert for the World Health Organization (WHO), writing guidelines for surgical hand hygiene, e.g. completing the first draft for “minimum standards” infection control in Swiss hospitals. These requirements have since been accepted by authorities and are mandatory for acute care hospitals since February 2021. Andreas was also part of the surgical infection prevention group at WHO. His main research interest, beyond hand hygiene, is prevention of surgical site infection with emphasis on preparation of the surgical site, antimicrobial prophylaxis and C.difficile infections. Andreas published 513 papers in peer-reviewed journals.

Prof. Dr. Martin Loessner
Board member
Martin studied biology at the Albert-Ludwigs University in Freiburg, Germany. After his master in Biology in Michigan, USA he earned his Ph.D. at the Technical University München in Freising. He continued his career as a Postdoc at the Institute for Microbiology of TU München. After visits at the University of Nottingham, England and the Ben-Gurion-University in Beer-Sheva, Israel, he received his habilitation degree for lecturing in microbiology at the TU München. A research sojourns at the Department for Molecular- and Cell Biology at the University of California in Berkeley was followed in 2003 by accepting the Chair of Food Microbiology at the Institute of Food Science and Nutrition of the ETH Zurich.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyerhans
Board member
Andreas holds a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Hamburg, Germany. From 1998, he was a full professor at Saarland University, Germany. He is an ICREA Research Professor at Pompeu Fabra University and Head of Infection Biology Laboratory in Barcelona. His research focuses on infections with non-cytopathic viruses, particularly on understanding the factors that regulate the decision between an acute versus a persistent infection course, defining the factors that control the dynamic balance of virus expansion and immune control in persistent infections, and generating quantitative descriptions of the virus/immune system dynamics by mathematical modeling.

Prof. Dr. Hans Marcus Textor
Board member
Marcus is professor emeritus, ETH Zurich, Department of Materials. He studied chemistry at the University of Zurich. After receiving a fellowship of the Royal Society he spent two years at the School of Molecular Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, in the field of advanced surface and interface characterization technologies. Between 1978 and 1994 he worked in different R&D functions in industry (Alusuisse-Lonza) on materials and surface technologies related to metals and composites for automotive, architectural, food and packaging applications. In 1994 he joined ETH Zurich, Department of Materials and built up a research group in the area of surfaces and interfaces of biomaterials, biosensors, medical implants, cell culture platforms, carriers for drug delivery and nanomaterials for biotechnological and medical applications. Retired in 2011, he continues to consult and advise public and private R&D institutions / companies word-wide.

Prof. Dr. Werner Kunz
Board member
Werner has a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Regensburg (UR) and is a full professor and head of the Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry at UR where he also heads the chair of “Solution Chemistry” as well as the Carl-von-Carlowitz Centre of Sustainable Chemistry. He has co-authored more than 300 peer-reviewed publications, with research focusing on the chemistry of complex solutions, such as solvents, salts, surfactants etc., as well as green chemistry and connected product formulations, such as biofuels, biopolymers, plant extracts etc.

Prof. Dr. Hyung Gyu Park
Board member
Hyung Gyu is a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Korea. His academic preparation includes M.S. from Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea (2000), on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Ph.D. from Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, USA (2007), on the pioneering investigation of fast mass transport inside carbon nano tubes, and the postdoctoral training at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, CA, USA. In 2009, he joined Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, where he received tenure professorship with leading the Laboratory of Nanoscience for Energy Technology & Sustainability (NETS). Returning to South Korea in 2019, he rebuilds NETS and launches a new research center, Center for Low-Dimensional Transport Physics. Hyung Gyu’s research interest consists in fundamental understanding of the transport phenomena in low-dimensional narrow space, engineering of membrane platform capable of coping with low-dimensional spaces, and coupling of plasmonic sensing to nanofluidics.

Prof. Dr. Nico Bruns
Board member
Nico is Professor of Macromolecular Chemistry at the Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry of the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. His research interests are bio-inspired polymer materials, biocatalysis in polymer chemistry and amphiphilic polymer self-assembly. He studied Chemistry at the Universities of Freiburg (Germany) and Edinburgh (UK) and graduated with a PhD in Macromolecular Chemistry from the University of Freiburg in 2007. After a postdoc at the University of California, Berkeley, he joined the University of Basel in Switzerland where he received the Venia Docendi for Chemistry in 2014. From 2013 to 2018 he was Associate Professor of Macromolecular Chemistry at the Adolphe Merkle Institute of the University of Fribourg, funded by a prestigious Swiss National Science Foundation Professorship.

Prof. Dr. med. Hendrik Tevaearai (EMBA HSG)
Board member
Hendrik is a general and cardiovascular surgeon trained in Lausanne and Berne, Switzerland. He performed his clinical and laboratory research in these cities as well as at Duke university, NC, USA. He is now Head of R&D at the University hospital in Berne, Switzerland and collaborates with several national and international institutes, universities and companies. Hendrik contributed to more than 120 scientific publications, raised several public and private grants and was honoured with several national and international awards. Hendrik is especially interested by technology transfer and owns 4 patents. He recently graduated as Executive MBA at the University of St-Gallen, Switzerland.

Univ. Prof. Dipl. Eng. Dr. mont. Clemens Holzer
Board member
Clemens studied Polymer Engineering at the Montan- University Leoben, Austria, where he earned his Ph.D. He started his career at the Swiss company Huber+Suhner as a polymer expert and soon became a project-engineer in the corporate research laboratory. Later he became head of production and finally head of research and development. During all his years at Huber+Suhner he was engaged in education and held lectures. In 2003 he changed to the University of Applied Sciences Nordwestschweiz and in 2005 he became deputy head of the INKA – Institut für Nanotechnische Kunststoff-Anwendungen. In 2009 he returned to Loeben as head of the Polymer-Processing Institute.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alessandra Sutti
Board member

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Paul Collins
Board member
Paul is an Associate Professor in Design and Product Development within the School of Engineering at Deakin University in Australia. He has undergraduate degrees in Mechanical Engineering, Commerce and a PhD in Engineering. Prior to completing his PhD studies at Deakin, Paul worked in the automotive and consulting sectors. Since beginning his academic career he has developed multiple research partnerships primarily focused on sports apparel and technology firms. Paul leads a multidisciplinary group of researchers and students that encompass biomechanics to industrial design with an overarching focus on human interaction with products and artifacts. The focus can be summarized as the intersection of technology, design and people and ultimately how we “design better products”.

Assoc. Prof. Wey Yang Teoh
Board member
Wey Yang is Associate Professor at the University of Malaya. He received his BE (Chemical, Hons. I) and PhD in Chemical Engineering from The University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia, in 2003 and 2007, respectively. After two years as the Australian Postdoctoral Fellow (APD, awarded by the Australian Research Council), he advanced his independent academic career at the City University of Hong Kong as tenure-track Assistant Professor and Tenured Associate Professor. His research interests are in nanomaterials design and heterogeneous catalysis, focusing on addressing urgent energy and the environment related problems. Among them, he developed advanced catalysts for solar hydrogen generation, reduction of carbon dioxide, biomass valorization, and the abatement of environmental micro-pollutants. He is concurrently Honorary Associate Professorship at UNSW and Erskine Fellow from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. He is also involved in a Hong Kong-based startup focusing on green hydrogen technologies.

Dr. Irene Preis
Board member
Irene studied medicine at the universities of Tübingen and Bonn, Germany and earned her doctorate of medicine at the University of Bonn. She worked in several hospitals in the departments of anesthesiology, emergency medicine, surgery and internal medicine. Subsequently, she specialized in allergology and environmental medicine and worked as a primary care doctor in her own practice until 2019. Since then, she has advised numerous companies on health-related matters and work place standards.

Dr. Thierry Pelet
Board member
Thierry obtained his PhD in molecular virology in 1996 at the University of Geneva. He subsequently worked as a senior scientist in several academic virology laboratories in Canada and Switzerland. In 2005 Thierry founded Viroblock SA, a startup company developing a new antiviral approach, where he served as CEO and CSO until 2016. The Viroblock technology is now part of HeiQ’s portfolio. In 2017, Thierry became Project Head for HelloMask at EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne), a project in scientific collaboration with Empa of St. Gallen. In 2020 he co-founded HMCare SA, a startup company developing a new type of transparent medical mask. Since April 2021 he is serving as CEO of the company.

Dr. Jochen Kenndoff
Board member
Jochen is CEO of Dr. Kenndoff Creative Vet Solutions with its focus on development of high-performance wound care products for animals since 2009. As a Chemist by training he received his PhD at the Institute of Organic Chemistry at the Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität in Munich. In 1991 he started his professional career at the Beiersdorf AG, Hamburg, developing high end professional wound care products. In 1999 he became Technical Director at PT. Beiersdorf Indonesia. From 2003 on he was working in senior research & development positions at the headquarter of Beiersdorf, amongst others for research & development of consumer health care. In parallel he finished his MBA studies at the OUBS (Open University Business School), UK, in 2005. His current focus lies on improving treatment regimes for wound-related diseases in animals.